NVC Mentoring
When grappling with NVC teaching, coaching or mediation practices and strategies, dedicated independent, aspiring and certified NVC trainers sometimes want to lean into support from an experienced colleague.
Professional situations can get pretty complicated - from tracking, to personal blind spots & growing edges, to wanting more response agility, to seeking additional perpectives from which to choose next steps.
Since starting to share NVC with others in 2001, Meganwind received mentoring and training from many trainers, including studying with Marshall B. Rosenberg for several years before he died. She has followed the principle that NVC is an awareness practice — and for her, that means PRACTICE! It is not an acquired state, but rather an endless, fascinating journey of discovery.
Call Meganwind at 1-707-775-7178 or email her at meganwind.e@gmail.com to arrange an appointment for NVC Mentoring.